The Heaven Re-acclimatization Department
“I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?”
I am a vivid dreamer…always have been. It seems like I’ve dreamt a million different dreams so far…some while I’m sleeping…some while I’m awake. Dreaming dreams is what I do…dreaming is a big part of my life. Some of my dreams….several…have come true.
The other night, I had a wonderful dream (brilliantly colorful) that I wanted to share with you…I hope you can try to imagine this…just try…it’s beautiful.
….So I found myself sitting stage right, mid-level, in what looked like a college classroom auditorium. All of the walls, floors, and stairs were a shade of soft white. All of the seating, which was tiered, was made of burnt-orange twill. Nothing in the room could be scratched, scuffed, or lose its shape. Everything was always in a state of perfection…this is the way it always was…this is the way it would always be.
At the back of the auditorium was a stage with a solid wood podium. The podium was stained a beautiful, rich brown tone. Although plain, it stood as if resolute…centered…solid…strong. Behind the podium was a teacher…she had the thickest, waviest brown hair, which was elegantly gathered and arranged on top of her head. A set of very large, round spectacles enlarged her already big, brilliantly blue eyes. Her dress was simple and plain and the color red. Her purpose was to welcome us to the “Heaven Re-acclimatization Department”. At that moment, I looked around and noticed that the auditorium was filled with people from many different stages of life….varied backgrounds…different colors…none of us looked “alike”. I also noticed several empty seats peppered throughout. Collectively…we were all connected…almost as if we were one mind and knew each other’s thoughts…and we understood why everyone was there…and why several were not. Regardless, through and through, there was pure peace and complete calm. The sweetest Spirit of comradery filled the space with the whisper of this message: “Everything is alright…Everything is going to be ok…Everything is as it should be”.
We were then taken to a workshop set up with individual stations for each person. Every workstation was customized with anything that each person could ever need and desire. My station was filled with mounds of gourmet foods and desserts, piles of gold and Rolex watches (ok…I don’t wear watches, but hey…this is a dream after all), super-human strength, the finest clothing, endless pages of music I wrote , lush trees on expanses of green land with the cleanest air, as well as too many other wishes to list….both physical and non-physical. But these desires were not gifts for me. Rather, everyone at their workstations collectively recognized that these gifts were designed as tools that would help teach us important lessons. These were tools to teach us how to love everyone and how to love everyone always….no matter what. EVERYONE. Not just some. ALWAYS. Not just sometimes. You see, the purpose of “my” gifts was to help everyone else. And the purpose of everyone else’s “gifts” was to help me and each other. Because of this, none of us would ever have a need…because of the way we all loved each other through our “gifts”. We didn’t need a government agency or tax laws to tell us how to care for the common good. We had each other. There was no need for tithing at church or the welfare department. We had each other. There was no need for non-profits searching pockets for much needed donations; there was no need for food lines. There was no need. We had each other. And through these lessons, we knew deeply that we would always be at peace…always guided by the Spirit’s message: “Everything is alright…Everything is going to be ok…Everything is as it should be”.
And then I woke up.
Yes…it was a wonderful dream.